Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gymberee Class

Mila and I started a gymberee class at The Little Gym here in Scottsdale. I have to be honest, I was pretty nervous going into it, but she did great. She wasn't too sure about it at first; she even fussed a bit. But once she saw how fun it was, she was loving it.

We sang songs and played with several different manipulatives such as bells, wooden sticks, balls, and bubbles. Mila loved "open gym" time where she got to show off her crawling skills climbing up the "cheese mat." She even got to do a back roll over (which she didn't even cry for) using the "hot dog mat."

Our instructor, Miss Rachel, was so fun and works so well with babies. There was one other mom and baby, and it was so fun to see Mila interact with them. I am hoping this will help build her social skills and help end this "stranger danger" phase she is going through. Plus it's just nice to get out of the house. We will definitely be going back next week :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

7 months old!!

Mila is now 7 months old, and is one active baby. In the last month, she has gotten even better and quicker at crawling and has mastered pulling herself up to a stand. Mila also started eating vegetables such as squash, peas (which she actually likes), and carrots.

The biggest milestone she has hit this past month was sleeping in her crib in her own room. This was also a big milestone for me. It took some time getting used to, but she seems to sleep a lot better in her crib. She is now sleeping 11 hours each night.

Mila is a happy baby, and I am loving watching her grow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just for laughs :)

There's nothing more I love than the sound of her laugh.

Another great buy!!

So I have seen these Radio Flyer red wagons online, and they are so much cooler than the ones I grew up with. But, oh my gosh, they are so expensive. For this basic two-seater wagon, it's $100. So, my savvy self, went on Craigslist to see if I could find one. No surprise that these things sell like crazy there; everyone probably has the same idea as me. I found a guy here in Scottsdale selling his for $30. SOLD!! That's 70% off. We took Mila around the block in it, and she LOVES it. It allows her to see so much more than her stroller. Can't wait to take it to the zoo, park, and trick-or-treating.

She's crawling!!

Mila has mastered crawling. She has me chasing after her left and right. She is getting into everything she is not supposed to including electric cords and fans. Ahhh! Needless to say we've started baby proofing the house. She's definitely loving her new found freedom.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Cereal

While at Mila's 6 month check-up, Dr. Cannon gave us the go ahead to start her on solids. He suggested we begin with rice cereal, so last night we gave Mila her first taste of cereal. Her first reaction was priceless, and I am so glad we got it on video. In a couple of weeks, we will start her on pureed vegetables. The diaper changes should be getting pretty interesting very soon ;)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

6 Month Check-Up

Mila had her 6 month check-up this morning. She did so well for Dr. Cannon; she let him do the exam without crying at all. I was a little nervous because she is going through this "stranger danger" phase, but she didn't make a peep.

She weighed in at 17 pounds 6 ounces which puts her in the 73%tile and is 25.5 inches long which puts her in the 33%tile for length. So it looks like she's going to be a shorty (no surprise there), which is perfect for our future gymnast :)

Dr. Cannon said that he was really surprised with how well she sits up and is practically crawling. He said she is really advanced, and is more at par with a 7 1/2 - 8 month old. How exciting!! He even called her 'super baby.'